It's been almost a year since I blogged. I am terribly sorry. To compensate the loss, I have found a piece of anonymous letter 4 months ago. I felt sad after I have read it. Hope you all will not blame me for ruining the holiday mood...
"I met him almost 10 months ago. We were once strangers but as time goes, we become alright. But there is this feeling in me that doesn't feel right. I can't say I love him. But I do know I adore him. We take care of each other and we never leave each other alone.
It's enough to rouse a gayness between us. But I am not sure whether he is a gay. If he is, I can be very true to him and I will care for him more than like a friend.
He didn't admit he's a gay but I hope something in us will sprout. I don't know. I don't think gay has something to do with our relationship. I only want to know who we are.
I'm trapped and I can never know due awkward cowardice. I am not brave enough to ask him that straight in the face. I can sense that he has the similar thoughts about me. Neither of us want to jeopardize out relationship by destroying hopes and destruction...
You are my only electronic sea messenger. Help me please."
Neruvatar's Empyrean Realm
Clear and calm it is, but murky and stormy it may be; shallow and empty it seems, but deep and mysterious is the sea
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Gravity of Love
Gravity Of Love
"O Fortuna velut Luna" ["O Fortune like the Moon"]
Turn around and smell what you don't see
Close your eyes ... it is so clear
Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in.
Don't think twice before you listen to your heart,
Follow the trace for a new start.
What you need and everything you'll feel
Is just a question of the deal.
In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
[Woman :]
The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom
[Man :]
The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom
Try to think about it...
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, what's the gravity of love
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice.
But if you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
Turn around and smell what you don't see
Close your eyes ... it is so clear
Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in.
Don't think twice before you listen to your heart,
Follow the trace for a new start.
What you need and everything you'll feel
Is just a question of the deal.
In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
[Woman :]
The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom
[Man :]
The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom
Try to think about it...
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, what's the gravity of love
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice.
But if you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
"O Fortuna velut Luna"
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
God's Demon Fanatic Review
God’s Demon, by Wayne Barlowe. It is the book I came across
before I know there is a book. Well, you can be sure I love sci-fi and fantasy
stuffs, especially flora and fauna, myths and legends. I first knew about Wayne
was the documentary Alien Planet. I
loved the show and went to ‘wiki’ it. When there’s a hyperlink on Expedition where Alien Planet is based upon, I found the name Wayne Barlowe. Being
itchy for anything new, I clicked on his official website for a new work called
God’s Demon.
The pictures amazed me so much that I had to get that book to read. It’s very
fascinating, even quoted by Guillermo del Toro, director for Hellboy, Hellboy 2, Pan’s Labyrinth
and the latest film: Pacific Rim.
Guess what is so common among Barlowe’s works? Hint: Avatar, Pacific Rim and Alien Planet.
*Sigh* They are luminous creatures! Yes, Barlowe
contributed on Pacific Rim as well as
Avatar creatures and monsters (with
collaboration with del Toro if I am not mistaken)!
God’s Demon (simplified as GD below) is one Hell-of-a-kind book.
The story is set completely in Hell and the place is… fantastic. You have
arteries and veins cutting across vast landscapes, a slow river made of tears
which named as Acheron, a dull star that makes no difference to day and night
called Algol etc.
From the first few pages, we can witness how
Sargatanas (the main protagonist) build his empire
Adamantinarx-upon-the-Acheron with souls almost immediately after he has Fallen
from Above (heaven). He uses the souls and manipulates them into bricks! Piece
by piece, unfazed by the wailing and whining of the poor souls, he compresses
and squeezes them into cuboids.
Guess what, even when they are turned to
bricks, they still can open their eyes or pop their ears as they are very much
Here's a pic for you to see Sargatanas holding a soul-brick.
There’s one scene when a giant Demolisher gnawing its way through the
city, the buildings started to tilt as each individual soul tries to run away.
Imagine that! Look! Here's the Demolisher:
Oh, so you don’t know what is a Demolisher? Here’s the
picture, a tank made up of thousands of compressed souls, chewing all the way
and excreting necrotic flesh from its ‘anus’.
While everything in Hell is depicted as disgusting and
hot, there’s one character I fell in love with: Lilith. Lilith is a being in
white with no clothes on and with animal paws. Almost every demon yearn to
copulate with her, but she is a strong, feminine and powerful being to be
messed with. Here, let me show you:
Well, before the Fall, Hell is already populated with
ancient fauna, like the Abyssals, which comprise of countless species and kinds
where almost every ten pages you might find a new species. They are luminous
(duh!) and many would use their skins as pouch or decoratives.
Here, Abyssal for you:
Speaking of skins, there is this antagonist place
called Beelzebub’s Keep.
This is the Keep I am talking about:
There are flaps of skins hanging from the domed
ceiling. Yes, those skins are from poor souls devoured by Beelzebub and they
still sway around gently as they try to wrench free.
Eww. But cool.
Besides, the war scene is epic. I recalled a scene
where a Pyromancer conjured the entire mountain of souls to wave their arms,
each hand wielding a flaming spear and threw them against the enemy. Ouch! And
please, if your imagination isn’t up to date, please do so. It’s amazing! We
even have Emperor Yen Wang from the Eastern kingdom (in easier terms, oriental
hell god) to bring us some delicious siege beasts called Behemoths, which are
enlarged souls from Asian ruthless, evil and savage kings. Here, let me show
OK, enough showing off, the review is simple.
GD is a good, condensed and epic memoir of Demons.
Their journey to attempt to reach the Above and their rebellion against the
Regent of Hell. The plot is straightforward and simple but hefty. Worth it!
It’s like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves where you know the plot is short but
children love it. I love Sargatanas, especially the bromantic part with his
apprentice/servant Eligor, the Flying Guard. I felt sad at the end even though
it is a happy ending. Well, no spoilers, go and find the book and read it!
The bad part? No pictures in the book, but you have to
look it up on his site. Booooooo. No, I didn’t say I hate novels. I love novels, it’s just that, when you
know there are pictures on his site, you would wish he include them together in
the book as part of it. It would be COMPLETE. =).
The part where I got my eyes into @@ is, hmm, well,
number one: Lilith bends over a bed and she gasps as the movement becomes more
urgent. But I see nobody with her. Is she masturbating or there is actually
someone effing her from behind whom is not significant enough to be mentioned?
Number two: Adramalik, a Demon Chancellor-General, has sex with an Abyssal till
its death. Remember that an Abyssal is a creature? How can a Demon sexed an
Abyssal till its death? Bestiality? No comment, perhaps I was too horny to
interpret it right. Number three, Sargatanas dunks himself into the teary and
salty river of Acheron. Why?
All in all, great book, great work, great artist. Even
now, I wish I had a figurine of Lilith on my table whenever I see the book
cover of GD.
Oh Barlowe, how can you be that good?
Extra images:
The soul is being examined and the black sphere embedded is the Burden, used for Demons to manipulate the souls, twisting them or morphing them.Semjaza, the Watcher. They are the Ancients in Hell. He is stupendously huge. And you will be surprised what he does.
Moloch. Vicious and Evil even without legs. He is one big bad-ass you should run (if you can run away from him)
Sometimes Demons need some pleasure, like what Adramalik, a Demon, mentioned: "They deserve their entertainment. I use them like a knife [...] and like a knife, they need to be kept sharp edged."
More pictures can be seen from or just Google it.
Monday, October 21, 2013
再说 ,我有这么一次说:“来,等下我要看到白板抹干净 。”岂知,没有人出来抹。被问起时,有一位学生说:“老师,你都没有讲要谁抹!”
10月21 日,我批改他们的试卷。
Monday, October 7, 2013
Excession Quasi-review
OK, see how much I flood (and flirt) myself with Reynolds' works?
Back to topic.
Excession is bought, mainly for the reason that... erm... I love blue colour. Notice the book cover and you know what I mean. It's the same reason how I broke my novel virginity with Reynolds. Yeah, I know I am stupid. And, yes, there is another reason. I love BDO.
You may ask what BDO is. It's a literary device meaning "Big Dumb Object". It means a huge object appear in the arc of the story but plays little or no significance to the story. Like the yellow brick road in Wizard of Oz, the brick road serves no purpose.
In Pushing Ice, the BDO is Janus, the huge (tiny) moon from Saturn. And in Terminal World, a relatively significant BDO is Spearpoint, a megastructure.
For Excession, we have - no prize for guessing right - a perfect black-body sphere that does absolutely nothing except protecting itself for no reasons (till the end is a different story, though, it even bid me farewell).
So, this novel is a very different novel. So different that my brain stops functioning for days before continuing. Reason? OK, so usually a story is written in any person's point of view. Like Snow White's story, you can get what Snow White did but never know what the Queen is doing due to the view is focused on Snow White.
In Excession, man, the point-of-view of characters are not living things at all! Gosh, you can see ships talking to each other, AI speaking and scolding a human etc. My mind suddenly requires additional time to settle things down. It's like listening two tables having a chitchat over a tiny table with a glass of weird coffee.
But all in all, the story is fun. You get to see a huge narrative on different subplots that makes you slowly sinks into the couch before continuing. The late author gives you time to set in, that's a huge plus otherwise I think your mind will go bluescreen and open in safemode.
If you wonder whether I will recommend this book, I say, three-and-a-half out of five yes! Try reading things in a weirder perspective! You can have more surprises than before!
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