Sunday, March 10, 2013

Letting Go

Never let go, many would say. And some would say, let go. It depends on the situation. You get someone or something so precious and valuable, and you wish to have them forever, that's not letting go. But sometimes, somehow, something just came knocking at your door, demanding that the precious to be taken away.

Not forcibly, I hope.

But when the time comes, will you fighting your way to stop that from happening? Or, will you just let it go and watch it slips away from your grasp?

Certain things are very certain. If you fight, you get tired. If your let go, you get sad. How much do you treasure your treasure?

I remembered a story posted on Facebook about a guy's life. It's all happening to me right now (I think). OK, main point is, shitty things do happen in your life, but it's your turn to make the best out of it.

I have pondered on the issue for very long and I think I have got an answer. I think. Nothing is for sure right now. But if it goes right, it might be a very drastic change in my life story, something that makes the readers angry. It's not reading the next chapter, it's stopping at the right chapter. Imagine you are reading an intense part of the novel and before it continues, it wrote below:


Pissed off right?

I know, but I can't help it. Every time I smile and talk, or sometimg bitch about, it's nothing reflecting my inner heart because I know, if I reveal my heart, it's too ugly to be seen. So, I pretend. Everything is not real around me.

I have made up my estimated decision, and it is up to my willing heart to continue it.

God Bless!

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