She said,
Clear and calm it is, but murky and stormy it may be; shallow and empty it seems, but deep and mysterious is the sea
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mama says
She said,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
5 S's for Destroying a Star
- Shifting. Using particle beam, create a flux in atom-binding energy. Shift the lighter elements (Hydrogen and Helium) to the outer surface of the star and leave the heavier elements in. The star would have nothing to fuse and the crushing force will cause the star to implode.
- Strangling. Establish a particle beam flux ring around the star's equator. By tightening and loosening the ring in waves, a strong magnetic force is created. The magnetic field created could strangle the star like a snake, pumping equatorial stellar matter to the poles.
- Spinning. Establish a particle beam flux ring around the star from pole to pole. Rotate them. That would cause the magnetosphere to couple with them and drag all the stellar matter with them as the ring rotates. By increasing the speed of rotation, the stellar mass would be lifted like an onion.
- Sucking.Toss a planetary-mass blackhole into the fusion core of the star. The star would suddenly have two sites of nucleation. When the radiation threshold is increased when the blackhole burns too much matter, it would blast the star apart, like a bomb.
- Singing. Sing to a star. Throb the star with gravitational wave that responds to the oscillation of the star. The same frequency would allow the gravitational energy to pump into the star's fusion core, allow the matter to spew out uncontrollably.
Poi Lam | NS | UTAR
Poi Lam friends. Basically during my later years, I spend most of my time with Orangutan, Crow, 'One-bowl-of-mee', Japanese monkey, Ripe mosquito and Cock. Nice having time with 'em. I remembered the pantomime we put on. The 'violence' and 'sex' scene (it's not what you think)... even Pn Tan Get Peng saw us gila-ing around... *embarrassed*
NS friends. I spend my time with Hornets, buddy Fizan and some from Sukhoi. Not really much time for me to have fun. I just spend MOST with Cindy. Making her laugh and 'angry'. LOL. Till one of the Jurulatih thought we are in love. Hell, impossible.
UTAR friends. I'm not going to say 'spend my time' here, I will use the word 'gila my time'. Mostly with Siewcheng, Jixuan, Tanning, Puaycian, Apple, Panda wei wei, Weifa...
BUT, one big BUT, I realise I spend 95% of my time with GIRLS. What's wrong with me?
Worse, I have a cough. It's not an ordinary cough, it's ticklish, it's allergic cough. Once cough, akan cough tak henti-henti. Idiot. Hate it.
It all started the day before yesterday. And yesterday, to speak frankly, I don't sing at Karaoke, because of ONE single thing: it's very creepy. I don't know my friends could sense it or not. It is scary. The corner I sat, well, I felt someone or something is watching me. If my friends noticed, I kept playing around with my religious beads on my wrist.
I didn't feel right there. It's like many things were watching over me.
The feeling got worse when I went to the toilet. I don't want to say more, but I swear I 'saw' something/someone. Since before the K was built/renovated, I never EVER went to the end of Jusco. The sensation is NOT right.
But hey, I can't be so 'anti-social' right? It can't be I left all my friends out and I just walked around outside. Keras-kepala-ing is the only way.
Tell you guys, there are really THINGS in the Karaoke. One of them harrassed my uncle before, and several of my friends...
Enough said.
CNY is coming... my peanut cookie is coming out soon. Damn, still coughing... Did you know there is a belief that when you are sick, you cannot make CNY cookies?
The Dagger In My Heart
When I realised it, I wanted to say 'sorry', but he just spun around and left without a word.
A friend's most lethal weapon is not how he yells at you.
A friend's most lethal weapon is not how he cries at you.
A friend's most lethal weapon is not how he kicks at you.
It is how he spins around and says nothing.
That gesture. Action. Can create a silver sharp dagger that jabs into your heart almost as instant as he spins around.
That's how I felt.
I felt the sharp pain once he was gone. I reached out an invisible hand, trying to turn him back, but deep down my heart, it told me, once it's gone, it's gone.
Ich bin dumm!!!!
It is not easy to go over this kind of feeling, especially I usually helped and cared for friends a lot. And this pain of the dagger carried me for another year, where the dagger had its splinter on another of my friend. That had severed him, but not as bad as I imagined. This time, I quickly apologised and the bridge is still there.
Another year has passed. The dagger is not visible through my mind, but it had sunken deeper into my heart. I couldn't feel it at first, but once I saw something sad, the pain came back with greater intensity.
Later, much later, I saw it. Him. The mouse. Hesitating. *Click*. Talked with doubt. Frightened like a cat. Worried like a mother. Him. Said. 'It's ok.'
It's ok...
These words have two meanings:
1) I don't mind you (but I really do), it's just for the sake of no arguments
2) It's really ok. I never have done that before. It's really nothing.
From the tone of the speech, I guessed (85% sure) its (2).
The dagger, was gone, forever. The relieve was.... unspeakable...
It's like Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King where Aragorn tells the spirited army to leave in peace and the army just let out a relieve and gone.
I know.
I will be careful with you next time.
Again, sorry.
P006 (if you know what it means)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy New Year
I admit, I have hurt my friend's feeling during my Secondary School final year. I admit. I know I was selfish back then, but no matter how I reached out, I cannot find a response. I felt like I am a tree, branching out in all directions trying to touch the sky.
I really wanted to meet him, talk to him, say how sorry I was. But... *sigh*... things never got any better. The crack is there between him and me. No matter how I pray, it just won't seal up.
I, secara rasmi, have lost him, forever.
Another one in my Uni years. This time, I managed to seal up the crack. But, the scar is still there. I don't know how to get any closer. There is a slight curtain between us. I cannot reach out. Every time I lead out a hand, the distance got wider. So, I guess, I should just be glad the crack is sealed. The scar, I prefer it to stay, to let me know I did something nasty to people and I won't repeat it.
I keep on express my sadness and regret through songs so sad that will make you cry. But what can I do to them? It was my fault after all.
These are my wishes for 2011. These are my darkest times. I wish and hope someone or a miracle to help me seal those cracks and repaint the walls...
I just wish that very much
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Line Slow
that's it
Internet speed.
Dunno what to say
Just slow.
Cannot communicate...
Some even don't have HP...
FB slow
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Message in a Bottle

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ok, this is actually a semi-fiction. It is actually some facts. The boy who threw the bottle? Some of his traits are actually me. And the 'I' in the post, some of the conversation is also me. It's a mix up. But it is a sad story for me, equally. I do miss my friend whom I treated like a brother.
I am sorry. Please come back will ya? Please reply my SMS, or do whatever to contact me. I have tried everything but it seems pointless......... =(
Friday, December 17, 2010
ASEP 2005 (II) - Quotations
Quotations. Words people say. Speech people crap. Whispers people gossip. Favourite and annoying. I found these words very 'sentimental' and 'historical':
1. 'That's so "aromatic"!' ~ by me. It means, what you said there was foul, like, say, 'I think we are going to crash', so in respond to that, you just say this!
2. 'Baling lembu, lembu pun mati!' ~ by Joash. He complaint about the wheat bread in Vietnam Airlines was so hard and crusty that even you throw it to the cow, the cow just die.
3. 'No bushes.' ~ by me. It was supposed to be 'no lalang' (lalang = bushes) and when it is re-translate into Cantonese, it simply meant 'mou lah lang' or 'tiada kaitan' or 'it doesn't matter'.
4. 'Can kill.' ~ by Nurul (I guess). Usually derogatory. It actually refers to the superlative of an action. Example, your friend wants to ride a rollercoaster, but you tell him, 'eh, can kill!'
5. 'Did you know 30,000 xxxxx is xxx-ing everyday?' ~ by Joash, 'enhanced' by Nurul. Just fill in the 'xxx', for example, 'Did you know 30,000 leaves are growing everyday?' I agree. It's a stupid fact from a pity fact, which it originated from 'Did you know 30,000 children are dying everyday?'
6. 'Shoot!' followed by 'Bang!' ~ by Nurul and me (the latter). It's a lame joke. Nurul used to say 'Shoot!' instead of 'Damn!', so I respond by saying 'Bang!'. Lame. Lame. Lame.
7. 'Potong tu ketam!' ~ by me. As said earlier, it was translated (badly) from English version 'cut the crap'. I remembered Nurul get annoyed with the 6th and this quotation.
8. 'He is such a good drawer.' ~ by Nurul. Ms Woo was asking us to draw heart shapes for our placards saying 'POVERTY'. Nurul said, 'Let minzhi do it, he is such a good drawer.' It was a slip of tongue. She swore. But we definitely rewarded by a roar of laughter.
9. 'Christina's a gorilla!' ~ by Xiao Wen. I remembered when Jia Yi told Xiao Wen her name is Christina, Xiao Wen went hysterica and yelled 'CHRISTINA'S A GORILLA!' which actually meant 'Christina Aguilera' but her pronounciation was... y'know!
10. 'Bomb the world, make it a "badder" place, for you and for me... ' ~ by Kevin. That's... pathetic! It was supposed to be Michael Jackson's 'Heal the World'. Instead he fooled by singing 'Bomb the World'
Dammit! Gonna miss those phrases!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ASEP 2005
- I missed the time when you all held our names, photos, school names, posters high in the airport.
- I missed the shouts when you all first saw us.
- I missed the time we were treated like celebrities.
- I missed the time we had fun in their school singing Negaraku. (Seriously?)
- I missed the time we saw people sleeping in class because there is a sleeping session in school.
- I missed the time we sang 'Pengyou' by Zhou Hwajian. (more than 3 times singing)
- I missed the time Joash sang 'Pretty woman', bullied by Nurul and her 'sisters'.
- I missed the time we went to San Min Vocational High School to do our presentation
- I missed the time we sang 'Heal the World' together with the audience swaying their arms.
- I missed the time we ate potato chips when people are presenting
- I missed the time we heard the crowd yelling for giving us the 5-star rating for our presentation
- I missed the time we were dragged into the PA room and asked what song we sang.
- I missed the time we had fun with the principal of Yu Chang.
- I missed the time we had disco fun in SMVHS hall.
- I missed the time we sang Mimpi and Malaysia Truly Asia (and dance too!)
- I missed the time we (Christina, Nurul and Shaynee) went to JFS themepark and smuggled food into this monster Ferris Wheel:
- I missed the time I first rode on a rollercoaster. I swear I never ride on it again. After riding that rollercoaster:
- I missed the time we (me and my foster family) had buffet steamboat dinner.
- I missed the time we (me and my foster family) bought gifts that could drag an aeroplane down.
- I missed the time we chatted heart to heart
- I missed the time we had fun
- I missed the time you all had tears when sending us back to airport
- I missed the time when I woke up late to get to the airport
- I missed the time when I realised I wasn't the last one to get to the airport (Ms Woo is late)
- I missed everything guys!

It made me realise (somehow rather late XD) that this month is December. My mum used to say, December is the coldest month when the cold winds from China begin to cast its magic southwards. During these times, people would prepare for Chinese New Year. (Nah, not Christmas for me)
Winter solstice. It was the Chinese who invented the 24 mini-seasons about when to plough, when to seed, when to harvest and when to prepare New Year. (Ketam: I am proud to be born in the month of 'First Spring').
We will make glutinous riceballs, or tangyuan. But that's all about ketam anyway.
What I mean is when the cold wind blows, it means spring is near.
Nah, who said anything about winter Christmas anyway? I told you, I don't really celebrate Christmas. It's just a holiday for me. Not a festive holiday for me. But hey, it is a festive holiday for everyone. Got it? Nah, just nonsense and ketam.
Last night Nurul posted a note something about Muslims cannot greet Merry Christmas. At first, I felt ridiculous. I thought, 'Merry Christmas' is just a nice warm greeting anyway. What is it so haram to speak and wish?
Then I consult my bro Amirul at Egypt. Nah, I didn't really fly to Egypt. FB chat, silly. He told me it's true but many Muslims are unaware. He said, every perayaan regarding or related to religion, Muslims are prohibited to wish those non-Muslims. Conflict of faith, he called it.
So, so far I can remember, only Wesak Day, Thaipusam, Christmas and Deepavali are those religious holidays. They cannot wish us like 'Happy Deepavali!'. So, dear non-Muslims, if you want to wish, please take note ya! Don't offend their religion. Be nice. Peace. 1Malaysia! (Seriously, I prefer all united. Stop discriminating and be racist)
Yeah, speaking of racist, I saw many people condemning each other's race. Come on, if you condemn people to stop them being racist, YOU are racist. I have been to NS, I know we are not all racist, its just all about prasangka. So STOP it! Live together!
Yup, another piece of ketam. But at least a good one. XD
Where was I? Yeah, winter.
Advice from me:
Love Life!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Y' know, sometimes it's very annoying to hear people talk about great things. No. Not those great things Napoleon had done. Not those great things those serial rapists had done. It's about themselves.
Yes! They talk about their great things.
No. Not plan to conquer the world or something. Just, for me, simple things. Simple crap I call it. Or 'Ketam Mudah'. Oh, ignore it, it is just one big Ketam here.
(Talking about 'ketam', it was coined by me. Yeah, just go back and read the 'Quirky Names' blog post of mine. You will know how quirky am I in giving names. I remembered it was Nurul who said 'Cut the crap!!!', then I would respond to her, 'Potong tu ketam!')
Another ketam I have written. Yet, this ketam is necessary as much as it is an introduction. XP
You know, I meet some people, who always crap about their talents, experience, their GREATNESS. Which, when you sum those up, you get a perfectly-rounded ZERO.
'Ei, the badminton ar, cannot play like this. You know how I win or not, I ah...'
'Handphone cannot buy this model, you see mine. Mine I choose it because I know the...'
'English? No need to study so hard... I didn't get good result also can pass... as long as it pass...'
'I tell you, when I do this, I know its exactly right, because...'
Ketam is just everywhere...
Bunuh! BUNUH!!!
SOLUTION (my way):
If someone keeps crapping, just say: Bak kata ketam-ketam...
If he/she still craps, say: Potong ketam tu...
If he/she still persists, say: Hentikan ketam...
If he/she still (sadly) craps, say: Alhamdulilah, mana dapatnye ketam yang banyak tu!
Ketam, oh ketam...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Empty soul
I remembered I was FIRST hugged by a man, a friend. Yup, HIM again. Fizan, my NS buddy. I was stupefied. You know when something out of ordinary occur in front of your eyes, you just stand there, eyes wide open and do nothing. ABSOLUTELY nothing. That's how I felt.
It was the parting day, where we all had to go back our home as the NS ended. It was tragic. Emotional. People were crying everywhere till the floors were wet. Bags and luggages were thrown aside just to speak the last words before parting ways. Some (many) even wanted to delay their buses by talking more than ever.
It was sad. Superbly.
There I was, standing in a crowd. Staring at crying faces. I felt, like, gone. I just felt empty in my heart. Like a pail that has poured out of every single drop of water. The feeling was not pain or sad. It was... EMPTY... duh... I was standing there....
Figuring out what to pour in my heart... Don't know what to do in the sea of people...
Then, HE came. He said nothing and he just hugged me, saying, 'Lah, saya takkan lupe you MZ. You are the best buddy in the world. Jangan lupe aku Fizan taw!'
That's it. He had crossed my threshold. My heart and soul shattered into pieces. It was like, his words like... I dunno, bomb or something. It just shattered everything I held on to. I couldn't respond back his hug. I just didn't know what to do!
When I sedar balik, I knew I won't be seeing him again for a long long time... Then I knew, everyone, every faces I saw gathering at the hall before parting was not going to last. I wouldn't be seeing them anymore. That was it. The final hour of the final day of my life, I could see all my friends running away.
That's why I felt empty. All friends I have known, were going to be gone...
I wanted to cry. For the first time, I realised the MAJOR loss of friends. I felt like, 'Please don't go! Jangan balik!'
I stood there for a very very long time. Scratching my head, holding my breath, looking at the ceiling, just as excuses for not crying.
I stared at those familiar faces again, trying to burn their faces into my mind to keep them forever. But the more I saw, the worse I felt. My heart was stucked. Like a clogged drain.
Fizan, and everyone, board their buses and left. I frantically checked my bus, hoping to find some of my besties there.
No hope. None at all. Strangers. Baddies...
I slumped on the cushion, gazed outside. Every time we passed by a bus, I would rush to look out from the window, because deep down in my heart, I believed in jodoh would allow my friends and me to see each other again.
Here I am, in UTAR. I stopped feeling bad. Because I saw Wei Yin, Tauke and Keyki. And most of all, my buddy occasionally called.
The warmth entered my heart.
I vow, I will never let it go. I am not going to let my soul empty again.


Face Problem

And hey, I don't really like studying, ya know! I am just an ordinary guy! ==

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010
Quirky names
Let's see what I have named since I was a child:
KUKULELE (pronounced as 'koo-koo-leh-leh')
It is a fixing toy bricks, with equal sides, equal height and equal width. A cube. For me, it sounds like 'squaredy square square', by naming it as such.
BINGBONG-HIHI (pronounced as 'beeng-bohng-hai-hai')
Guess what, it is a road bump! Bonggol jalan! Know why I name like such? Go feel it in the car as it ram over the 'bingbong-hihi'. It feels BING (first pair of wheels hit up), then BONG (as the 1st pair of wheels touch the tar again), then HI (2nd pair of wheels hit up) and finally, HI (as the 2nd pair of wheels touch the tar again).
ABULILA (pronounced as 'ah-boo-lee-laah')
Heaven knows why I called it as such. It is the 'mango tree', you know, those Malay wedding or special event, those girls would carry a pole with bright sparkling filaments like a coconut tree thingy. Till now, I am figuring out why I name it like this.
LONGLONG (pronounced as 'long-long')
It is yet another fixing toys. It is very long, in fact, the longest fixing toys unit. About 6 spots long, and only 1 spot wide. KUKULELE is 2 spots wide and 2 spots long.
BICKBICK (pronounced as 'beek-beek')
Another fixing toys unit. It is 4 spots long and 2 spots wide (you can achieve that by placing 2 KUKULELE together). I think I know why I name this. It is big and fat, as well as it looks like a brick. Hence... BICKBICK.
STOMACHBURST (you know how to pronounce this!)
Ha, bet you all don't know what this is! It is actually a food colouring. Go buy one and see. The red cap glass bottle. You know why I call it like this? Because you look at its symbol. It's a combination of different-sized stars of blue, red and gold stacking on top of each other. I remembered mum used to say cannot it 'raw', or your stomach aches. There is a starburst warning of STOMACHBURST, I guess!
Being Childish

...^ ^
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Footprints in the heart

Fill in the blank

Not this cutie little BIRD, idiot!
Then, my sakai friends told me, instead of being rude by flipping the bird around, especially girls who flip them (did I mention sakai?), they invent a sign language, kononnya 'Fill in the blank' and at the same time showing a gesture.
The gesture is simple: Spread out all fingers, but keep the middle finger closed. That's it. Show it and say 'Fill in the blank lah!'. It means you are still showing a respect but in an inverted way, asking people to fill in the 'blank'...

Now, my music band, the Neamhus seems to be fond of this. Everywhere we go, we show some res...., oops, no, we fill in the blanks!
Photogenic. MALE vs FEMALE

The first photo ever captured with the MIDDLE FINGER.
Find out which one of them! XD
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
True or not, just 'enjoy' it:
(The 'I' in the story does not refer to the author)
I saw a lightbulb wrapper in England, noting: 'DO NOT PLACE IN MOUTH. I was thinking: Doofus! Who would put a lightbulb in a mouth! and I laugh it off...
Later, I went to my friend's house to have a chitchat. Then I talked about this matter. My friend turned serious, he said, 'It's true I tell you. We all learn that in school. Placing a lightbulb in the mouth will get stuck!'
I said, 'The lightbulb has smooth surface. It's impossible it will stuck in anyone's mouth! If your mouth is big enough, it can enter and exit at will!'
He argued, 'It is true, I tell you!'
And we argued...
To prove I was right and he was wrong, especially I had a curiousity of a scientist, I went to take a lightbulb and try it at home. Of course, I had prepared some safety precautions: a bottle of olive oil. In case it really got stucked, I could still lubricate my mouth and pull it out.
Slowly, I put the lightbulb in my mouth. I thought, that was easy! Later, I can just take it out like how I put it in!
Doofus fool friend! Look how I take it out!...
... oops, looked tougher that it was... never mind, just a little extra energy...
Argh, just opened my mouth wide enough for the lightbulb to slip out...
OMFG! It really got stucked! I quickly poured the oil in my mouth to lubricate it... and once again, pull it out with my wide opened mouth...
30 minutes later... I had swallowed three quarters of the oil but it still got stucked!
I picked up the telephone and rang the hospital. But I stopped before dialing the last number. How to speak when the lightbulb was in my mouth?
I ran out and asked for help. My neighbour laughed till she couldn't trim her weeds in the lawn properly. I was cursing her in my heart, but I still wrote a message 'Call the taxi and take me to the hospital!'
She apologised for her laughter (she was still giggling) and helped me into a taxi.
The taxi driver burst into laughter when he saw my face like I was swallowing a goldfish. He kept asking me why I did so. You DOOFUS! How was I going to reply you with a lightbulb in my mouth?
In the hospital, I was scolded by a dozen or so nurses for wasting their time and my foolishness. And of course, patients there were staring at me in surprise and laughing their asses off.
My face went red...
The doctor finally took out the pieces of the lightbulb after bursting it. He was careful not to cut my tongue by placing cotton pads in my mouth. He lectured me for my foolish acts and told me to tell everyone in the world, NOT TO PUT A LIGHTBULB IN A MOUTH.
My mouth was swollen, but I still managed to nod and thank him.
As I walked out of the hospital door, everyone was looking at me. I was so embarrassed. I never gonna be that Doofus anymore! Thinking awhile back, I was indeed the doofus, not my friend.... If only I had...
There was a man at the hospital door, he was my taxi driver...
There was a lightbulb in his mouth.........
Monday, December 6, 2010
Trinity Guildhall Awards and Concert 2010
Ms Tai Cheah Sin, Ms Amy, Ms Wendy... everyone! Just glad to meet you all. Fonseka and Dr Kirsty, as well as Mr David G Robinson, please to meet you all. Love your humour, doctor! David, please get well. It hurts me so much to see you walking in much difficulties.
Great grand piano you got there, Mr Henry Chan!
Oh yeah, Cheah Sin, thanks for your compliment on my bro and I's duet 'Empress of the Pagodas' as well as our souvenirs! Haha!
To all parents and teachers, sorry if I didn't escort you all nicely to the hall, because I was super busy with the booklets. (Blame the National Manager though!)
Yup, it's U-Jin who came late, that manager... made us so rush... but thank god ,we are through!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Pudar (Rossa)
Rasa cinta yang ada untuk diriku
Ku lelah dan yang semua yang ada
Inginku lepas semua~~
Setan hati untuk bicara
bagaimana kalau ku selingkuh saja
Ku punya banyak teman lelaki
Seperti ku kan bahagia
Mestinya kau car pengganti diriku saja
kerana kita sudah tak saling bicara
Pastikan cerita tentang yang telah lalu
Hanya ada dalam ingatan hatimu
Maafkan aku jika kau kecewa
cintamu bukanlah untuk diriku
Jika memang semua kan jadi cerita
Ku tau kau semakin terluka
- 真的啦!
- 快点叫我美女!
- 够了没有!?or 'shy shy jek'
- Abang!
- Min Zhi......................................... (撒娇中)
- Waliaoooooo.................!
- Wahseh!
- OMG!
- 冷静点,年轻人
- MZ arrrrr......
- Encik Tembikai..
- Namewee..!!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sick | Owe
Trinity College London Award Ceremony will be held soon and I am performing. Please, God, let me heal faster...
I think I have caught a disease I fear most: 瞌睡病. OK, I am not that sure about that name, because it was given by Zi Han when I was primary 6. I will describe the symptoms, though.
Super sleepy
Lazy to move
Eyes are heavy but mind is clear
Can puasa for days
Prefer bed over others
It's suffering. But what can I do?
I haven't taken a meal for one whole day till I specially made a request of Ji Xuan to bring me porridge. Hot porridge. Nice.
I guess I owe her one. Next time if possible, I will da-bao for her too. And repay the 50cents I still owe her just now.
50 cents eh...?
I remember I still owe Zi Han 5 cents since primary 6. If using depreciation and inflation method, I am not sure the value still has the value of 1 cent, though.
Haiz, sleepy... Next day course registration and HAVE to go to school for lesson and tips.
How to go? Class at 2pm, registration also the same. PLUS I am sick...
Tolong ar tolong....