Monday, March 7, 2011


Once, people said, when you look at someone, you feel like you wanna beat him up, that's call 'F*** Face'. You feel uneasy when you look at someone.

But recently, I met two person. Two of them do not have any F-Face syndrome, but I feel like I am tired when talking to them. Bla-ing all those irrelevant topics, some close to yellow, some close to girls and lengluis. It made me uneasy, but not enough to beat them up.

Plus, recent events had escalated my feelings from a mountain peak to the valley deep. EMO? No, just simple depressed. LOL. Luckily I have my BF friends to play around, Emun to speak awkward Bahasa Malaysia in campus...

Those recent events that made me depressed is the attitude of the Prey and the strange and 'exotic' bonding with Queue. They made me stand on a bench while I was tipping over. Choosing one side might harm the other.

Yeah, not Charybdis and Scylla (is it spelt correctly?)...

I felt difficult...

But then, today, this evening, I finally met someone whom I have longed to meet. LOL. At quick glance I didn't realise it was him. My 'old' friend from Foundation Sem 2. LOL...

It was really a relieve to see him. Not because he is a super super super great friend of mine. But somehow, it was a relieve. As if all my trouble has gone away in an eyeblink. Eye-soothing eh? Dunno...

That incident made me forgot all about Queue and Prey...

Night world, may the skies paint with stars...

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